July 26

Peppermint is not just for chewing gum


     peppermintIn the first of many essential oil spotlights, I would like to feature one of my most used and absolute favorite oils:   Peppermint Essential Oil!

I use peppermint oil daily for many reasons.  Just today I added it to my chocolate smoothie for a healthy peppermint patty.  A drop of peppermint on my tongue was a wonderful breath freshener after lunch.  And to beat the heat, I put a drop in my hands and rubbed the back of my neck… Ahhhh. 

When cleaning, I add peppermint essential oil to my natural cleaning products for a fresh smelling house that also repels bugs naturally.  Spiders don’t like peppermint essential oil.

Have you ever had peppermint tea for an upset stomach?  Well, one drop of pure therapeutic peppermint essential oil contains the equivalent of 28 cups of peppermint tea! In addition to aiding digestion, peppermint oil has a number of other uses:

  • Use a drop of Peppermint with Lemon in water for a healthy, refreshing mouth rinse.
  • Add two to three drops to your favorite smoothie recipe for a refreshing twist. 
  • Promotes healthy respiratory function and clear breathing.*
  • Alleviates occasional stomach upset.*
  • Soothes sore muscles and neck/head tension.*
  • Instant energy boost by inhaling or licking a drop from your hands.
  • Acts as a body temperature cooling agent – Perfect for HOT Summer Days!
  • Repels bugs naturally.

The 3 ways you can use peppermint oil are: 

  1. Aromatically by breathing or diffusing in a room.
  2. Topically by applying to your skin.  Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas.
  3. Internally by putting 2 drops in water, sublingually or in an empty capsule. (make sure it is pure therapeutic grade, as that is the only peppermint oil that is safe for ingestion). 

The peppermint plant is a hybrid of watermint and spearmint and was first described by Carl Linneaus in 1753. A high menthol content—like that found in the dōTERRA Peppermint essential oil—distinguishes the best quality Peppermint from other products.  Menthol is the monoterpene alcohol which is the primary chemical constituent of peppermint essential oil.

For more information on peppermint oil & to order please contact me.

Or contact me and I can provide a personal consultation on which essential oils are the most beneficial for you.

To Your Health!

Tammy  💜

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


#EssentialOils #Peppermint #Refreshing #PurePlantOils

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